Barak Obama will be The President of the United States. For the first hour or so everything was leaning toward John McCain. Then when more of the polls started closing President-Elect Obama had a big lead the rest of the night an won most of the major states that McCain needed to win. Congrats to our New President Barak Obama. I know I am ready for a change!!!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Jennifer Hudson

I am sure most have heard that Jennifer Hudson's mother, brother, and possibly little nephew were killed past Friday. My heart goes out to her and her family. No one famous or not should have to deal with these types of things but sadly that is life and I pray for Jennifer and her family that they will get justice and be strong through this horrible time.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Homes Are More Affordable
Before the market went bad home prices were very expensive! Now everyone is reducing home rates. The interest rates on homes are low and getting lower. So for first time buyers this is actual a great time for you if you to get more for you buck and get a good deal. With the way the housing market is the are going back to traditional lending standards. As a general rule of thump you need a 20% down payment, sufficient annual income, good credit and a tolerable load of debt. This is Worth the Hype!!! This is a great opportunity for buyers, investors and a start to get the market back in the right direction!!
NFL Changing The Game

One of NFL's best defensive players is upset with the NFL about the new rule of tackling. He feels that all the regulations will change the game making the players hesitant of making a routine tackle because of penalties and fines. Troy Polamalu said “It’s just the essence of what NFL football is,” Polamalu said. “You don’t want to get into a sport that loses the core mentality. It’s like playing basketball and, `Oh, you can’t body somebody up. You can’t touch them. You can only play defense from a foot out.’ It takes away from the real athleticism of the sport. … football loses its identity.” I feel this is Worth The Hype! Big hits is what makes the game football. That's why I played. Polamalu and I don't agree with cheap shots but a good hard tackle should not be a problem! I understand the NFL wanting to protect the players but they all have known that injuries are a part of the game!!!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Exercise With No Sweat
There is a pill in the experimental stage that gives you the same effect of working out! It will be a while before we start to hear of it again if we ever do it has not hit the stage of human test yet. The pill has had a positive effect on over weight mice. This may or may not Worth The Hype for you! In my opinion something that will give me the same effect as running for miles etc and not having to break a sweat makes me wonder what toll the pill would taking on my body!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Salmonella Poisoning Srikes Back Again
In 12 states there has been 32 cases of salmonella poisoning. It was found in some frozen chicken dinners where it was reported that the microwave did not cook the chicken enough to kill the salmonella in the chicken. So far They include "chicken cordon bleu," "chicken Kiev," or chicken breasts stuffed with cheese, vegetables or other items. This is Worth The Hype. We all may remember what happens when we had a problem with salmonella in our tomatoes. It saddens me how so much of the food that we eat seems to have so many problems. This just adds to why I am going Organic. If you eat any of these dishes be careful to cook it until it reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit internally.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
More Lose There Jobs
Our economy is hot topic at the dinner table, at the debates and for the jobless. My heart goes out to the 150,000 people who lost there jobs just last month. that brings the # to 760,000 people fired since our economy started to fall. This is Worth The Hype! To get our economy up we have to get the banks to start giving loans again and consumers need to start spending again, which is difficult when people feel they don't have job security. Come on banks and come on government we are needing you to get on the ball and do something for right now. The Bail Out is said that it will take months before we even see some relief from that. Thanks but by that time we may be in worse condition!
Friday, October 3, 2008
The Bail Out Is A GO
It seems the only thing good about the Bail Out is that we don't have to worry about our banks and our money disappearing. This is a good thing but getting a loan will still be a little tough to get. This is worth the hype it is our economy we are talking about. They finally agreed to the Bail Out but I am not sure it will help any time soon with loans. I will be glade when America gets out of this and get back to the nation we use to be! Lets start with the gas PLEASE!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Will McCain Be A No Show
I am sure we all have heard that McCain has put his campaign on hold to handle this crisis with the economy. I have been looking forward to this Debate to hear both candidates go head to head on topics that matter the most to Americans. This Is Worth The Hype in my opinion! Barack Obama or John McCain will be our next President for the next 4 years and can make better or worse what is going on in our country now and we need to hear from them. I just don't understand how 90 min at a debate would put a stop to dealing with the financial crisis. I wouldn't expect you to stay around and mingle, Debate for 90 min let the people you may potentially be leading hear what you have to say and go back to doing what you feel is necessary to resolve Americas financial crisis. I agree something needs to be done but there are others that will handle it until your done debating. I hope this Debate happens tonight I have looking forward to this for a while now!
Monday, September 22, 2008
The Emmy's Best And Worst Dressed
The Emmy's have just past and this is a topic I had to write on. After awards like this for days you hear people speaking of the best and worst dressed at the Emmy's for example. Who do these people think they are by saying someone should or should have wore something. If you like it, feel good in it and want to wear it then wear it. I personally wear things different from the season sometime because I know no one will look like I do. So if I like it, feel good in it and want to wear it then I put it on! These show are Not Worth The Hype in my opinion!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Wait A Few Years To Buy Your New Car
When a new car is developed it was in the process for 3 to 4 years before production. So all the new model cars coming out were being designed around 2005 /2006 when gas was still in the low $2.00 range! So if you were to purchase a car now it may not have great E.P.A compared to the cars that will come out in a few years. I feel this Is Worth The Hype! With all the cars coming out that will be hybrids or just get better gas mileage it may make more sense to lease that guzzler until the newer more efficient model comes out. If you plan on leasing your new car you may want to do it as soon as possible. It is said that dealers may be in the process of doing away with it all together! The way gas is bouncing around I will wait on a more efficient car to purchase. With the economy auto loans are starting to go up to around 62 months so do your research and make the best decision for you. It could be a frustrating 62 months if not thought out!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Official Word On Tennessee QB
Tennessee Titans Quarter Back Vince Young did leave home and was not heard from for hours. He also left his phone at home so he could not be contacted. After word was out that friends, family and the police were looking for Young he contacted head coach Jeff Fisher and met him late that night at Titans facility. There he also spoke with detective and psychiatrist to evaluate Young's mental state. After being there for a few hours they found he was OK to head home alone. No report of Young having a pistol on him. He will also be able to play next Sunday but may not start!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Bad News for The Tennesse Titans QB

Reportedly Vince Young Quarter Back for the Tennessee Titans had a very concerning Monday night after his bad performance although very short. On Sunday's game against Jaguars Young left early in the game due to injuring his knee. Before the injury he managed to get a lot of boos from fans, didn't have a productive game at all and may be out for the rest of the year. Young was unable to to be contacted and was found wandering with out his phone or keys but the real problem is that the only thing he was caring a pistol reportedly. Was sent to training center for a late night meeting with Jeff Fisher. I will update when more solid information surfaces about Young and this incident.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Horrible news for the New England Patriots

Today one of the best quarterbacks in the league may be out of the for the whole 2008 season. Tom Brady was injured early on the game with a knee injury when Kansas City Chiefs safety hit Brady in knee while trying for the sack. This maybe worth the Hype if your a Patriots fan. After the game no one would comment on the seriousness of his injury but shortly after sources say Brady has injured his ACL! Which is true could definitely have him out for a year. If so this will leave there division open and really see what the patriots can do with out there Starting QB. Hope everything is going well for Tom Brady. We all know he is a fighter and if he is back this year or next he will be back with a bang!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Michael Jackson Is Dating ...
When I first heard this story I had to research what was going on. It was said that Michael Jackson went on a very secret date at a hotel bar in a private section in Florida, with Baywatch's own Pamela Anderson! They are reported to be huge fans of each other. This is not Worth The Hype in my opinion! Some say they are doing this for a publicity stunt. It was suppose to be secret and private so I don't think it was for that reason. They are both adults and Michael asked out a hottie like Pamela Anderson and managed to get a second date out of it(lol)! Lets see where this goes!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Drop Out Crisis In America
The drop out rate in America is getting worse and worse. 1/3 of high school students have been dropping out of school. Every 26 seconds another student drops out. That equals about 3,000 students per school day. In some cities, Detroit for example, there percentage of high school graduates is lower than 25%! This is Worth The Hype! These are our sons and daughters, brothers and sisters. This is something that everyone needs to seriously look into to help solve what is being called a ''epidemic''. It is also said that by not finishing high school or equivalent you are losing out on One Million dollars in your life time. From when I was in high school, some of my classmates and I didn't fully understand the importance of getting a education. Now in the real world with an education is hard enough and knowing what I know now would have made me work that much harder. That is one of the things I think is key to changing this epidemic. Start giving students more of a real world taste before they get out of school or drop out. The value of getting a education needs to be raised! Check out for more information about the Drop Out Crisis In America.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Olympics are Over

I really enjoyed the Olympics this year. I had to mention two athletes by the name of Michael Phelps of USA and Usain Bolt of Jamaica. Michael Phelps swam to achieve a world record of 8 Gold Metals in one Olympic game. Usain Bolt with 3 gold metals but ran his way to 2 world records in the 100 meter and 200 meter race. I absolutely feel this is Worth the Hype! What was achieved by these 2 great athletes was something that will be very hard to achieve for years to come, even if they made it look easy! I personally cant wait until the next Olympic games in London to watch these athletes try to better what they have done at Beijing and watch other athletes try to beat them as well.
Politics Obama/Clinton
If you are keeping up with the election, you know that there has been some talk about Hillary and Bill Clinton still having some resentment toward Barack Obama. The Clintons feel they should have been the Democratic nominee. I have read about Hillary and Bill Clinton making comments like if this and that would have happened before and after the would have won the ticket. That Hillary supporters were not going to support Barak Obama because there candidate did not win the ticket as well. I do not feel this is worth the Hype after hearing that great speech that Hillary Clinton made at the Democratic convention. I almost cant describe how good her speech was. Hillary Clinton hit topics that everyone in America can relate too. Topics that everyone would love to have in this country, no matter who your candidate choice. After that speech I think Hillary is finally ready to move on and help get Barak Obama in the Oval Office. Also help Hillary Clinton's supporters want to put Obama in the office as well. Take a look at this great speech for yourself.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Clean Athletes
Do clean athletes have a chance with all the performance enhancers that are being used in the Olympics and other sports. The drug testing in Beijing was more strict than ever before. How effective are they? their are performance enhancing drugs out there that cant be detected in urine or blood test. there are drugs that boost performance and are out they system in less than a day! In my opinion this is definitely Worth the Hype! How will we know who our true Olympian medalist are with so many drugs still being undetected. There are some gifted athletes out there all over the world and I feel that clean athletes absolutely have a chance, but with the performance enhancers it will make a lot harder!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Olympic Age Problems
One of the biggest stories right know in the Olympics are China's gymnasts being under age. There are documents saying that a few of China's gymnast are 2 years under age. He Kexin won the gold on the floor exercise. The Chines government is being investigates about making false documents like a pass port to have her compete. The IOC (International Olympic Committee) requested birth certificates to validate her and others age. This is Worth The Hype in my opinion. The rules have to be followed and if they are broken these ladies should be disqualified. As did 2 track athletes who did not show up for drug testing before there race which I will get more into on a later date. The IOC set rules for a reason and they need to be followed by every one participating athletes, coaches, judges etc. Hopefully everything is legit. Either way I am sure they will be back in 2012 and will do a great job as they did this year.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Paid sick days
There are 12 states pushing for companies to provide paid sick days for employees that work over 30 hrs a week. There are about 46 million workers who have no sick time. They feel one of the benefits of companies having to pay sick time it will keep work areas safer. They will not want to pay up for someones leave if they could have made a couple of changes to improve safety. Barack Obama supports new legislation. If new legislation passes it will give workers 7 paid sick days a year. Of course some companies are not happy. It will take a cut out the revenue and they will have to start making cuts in other areas like in employees benefits. Companies would like some form of proof for paid sick time because it will get abused. I feel it is worth the hype! Everyone gets those days sometimes where they just get sick as a dog. With most people living pay check to pay check a paid sick day is great. This is something that can take a little stress off of people.
Car of the future
I am referring to the new electric car by GM. The projected release will be in 2010. It uses no gas, gets about 42 miles per full charge and can simple plug into your standard outlet. It is not cheap, will run about $40,000. My questions to GM. How much energy does this electric car use? If it will raise my energy bill 300+ dollars and I am only spending between 200 and 250 on gas. Why make the switch. How much will it cost for maintenance? This car seems like a big computer to me. Anyone hire I.T. guy to fix there computer lately, not cheap. Since this is new technology how much will this type of car jack up my insurance? With all that said I definitely think an electric car is worth the hype! Anything that will eliminate gas is definitely worth seeing how it turns out. Gas will only keep going up!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
4 day school week
In some rural areas they are going to four day school weeks. Might sound good to your kids if your county is considering it but lets take a closer look at this. The reason for this is to cut back on the price of gas for the bus drivers. My opinion good for schools maybe not so good for kids and parents. They are not only cutting a day from the week but parents will pay more for lunch, kids will have longer walks to bus stops and they are cutting Field trips. They will also cut out some electives and after school activities to help with cost cuts. So it seems to me people will have to spend money on day care for a day, but in rural areas a lot of family's have farms and are home. For the people not in rural areas if your district decides many people may not have that luxury of being home with the kids. this is happening in rural areas of Minnesota but a lot of other counties are considering it. My thing is that people business and the government are looking for ways to cut back which I think is fine. I don't agree with the cancellation of electives and after school activities with the way the drop out rate etc is going. We need to keep the things that will help keep our kid interested in school! I don't personally think its worth the hype! Will cut back cost for schools but add more inconvenience on families, definitely with none rural communities.
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